Help / FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I return my order?

Yes. We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you are not happy with your order, you have 7 days after you receive it to let us know you'd like to return it for a refund. We do not provide the return shipping label.

Please remember to include all items in your return.

*You can ship it back to us the cheapest way possible, just make sure you get a tracking #.

Please allow exchanges 7-15 business days to be delivered once it has been reshipped

You may create the label online here :

Ship To :

Goodlife Customs Returns

PO Box 152

Huntington Park, CA

United States 90255

What do I do if my package gets lost in the mail?

We will re-ship your order to either the same or new address. We will not issue a refund on your order we can only re-ship it. This is after the customer contacts USPS about their package.

We is not responsible for orders that are delayed or lost in transit. Customer's are 100% responsible for contacting the shipping carrier. Once your order ships out from our facility it is in the hands of the shipping carrier to deliver your package.

What do I do if I received the wrong item?

First we apologize for this error on our part, as you know mistakes happen.  Please take a picture of your order invoice (paper copy) as well as the item(s) you received.  We want to look into who packed this for you.  We will then send you the correct item (s) or refund if out of stock.  It is very important to let us know what item or items you need.  Email this information to [email protected], thanks!

What do I do if my item is damaged?

If it is within 30 days of receiving your order, please take a picture of the item showing the damage.

Send an email to [email protected] with the picture and your order number.

We will then review immediately and look to reship replacement item(s) .

How do I change or cancel my order?

Email [email protected] with your order # and what you would like to do. We can change or cancel your order as long as your order has not shipped out of our warehouse.